There are two types of business owners who benefit from working with us:
1. If you are in trouble:
We take care of your unfiled income tax and payroll tax returns
Take the IRS off your back
Help you get caught up with bookkeeping
Show you the Concierge way, if you outgrew your current accountant
2. If you consider yourself a business owner who wants to increase profits, cash flow and the value of your firm:
Provide easy-to-use tools to plan and anticipate cash flow for the upcoming months, so you never feel like riding on a rollercoaster
Help you evaluate your pricing so you have adequate profits to pay yourself what you’re worth
Identify, track and measure your key performance indicators so you know how efficient your employees are and what is the return on your marketing
Use every available tax strategy so you never overpay the IRS and help you be proactive so you never get a surprise tax bill in April
Offer you a sounding board in making key business decisions to enhance your ideas and implement them
3. Intuit QBO Services:
Get your QBO subscription through our firm’s wholesale program and lock in a 50% savings!
Sign up for a setup session of you QBO where we get you going with your bookkeeping within one hour.
Sign up for a five session QBO and financial management boot-camp, so you understand the basics of your accounting, taxes and financial reports.
If you would like us to take care of your troubles and help you increase your profits, cash flow and the value of your practice, please give us a call at (440) 340-1030